Increasing knowledge in creating a correct bite
The dentists of our clinic, Dr. Džesmonda Niķe and Dr. Sintija Maceviča, are currently in Vilnius at Dr. G. Kobs Odontologijos academy, where, under the guidance of occlusion Guru Master Dental Technician Stefan Schunke, they are adding up their knowledge by learning the correct formation of a bite to protect the jaw joint.
What are sealants?
Sealant- it is an extra option to protect your teeth from caries. It is a special liquid material that the dentist/dental hygienist pours into the deepest grooves of the teeth, thus protecting the areas most prone to caries from further damage.
The procedure is simple - the tooth is thoroughly cleaned, processed, then sealant is poured inside and it is lightened. Sealant as a mechanical barrier against further decay of teeth will also be useful for adults.
New in the clinic - 3D intraoral scanner
3D intraoral scanner "3shape" - for obtaining a three-dimensional image of the oral cavity!
- Completely replaces traditional jaw prints
- Digital, 100% accurate 3D oral image in seconds
- No discomfort to the patient
- Significantly speeds up the planning and course of the treatment process
- It is possible to visualize the predicted treatment result
- 3D digital images are used for diagnostics, prosthetics, orthodontics and surgery.
Come and try!
Timely health care always pays off!
Happy and healthy 2021!
New in the clinic! Teeth whitening with a high-quality PrevDent whitening system
Swiss PrevDent whitening system will be especially gentle for even the most sensitive teeth owners. Your teeth will never return to their original starting tone!
Take the opportunity and whiten your teeth for a special price until 1 September!
Buy Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush and recieve 1:1 consultation with dental hygienist on how to use it!

Become our follower on Facebook and Instagram and all July recieve a 20% discount on CURAPROX brushes!

Happy summer solstice!
Our working hours next week-
25.- working
26.- working
📍 Appointment can be made calling 📞+371 29264035 or 📩 writing us on Fb or 📧 email- [email protected]
We will resume working at full capacity from 18 May!
Agenskalna Dental Clinic will resume appointments with a dental hygienist starting from 18 May.
All appointments must be made via phone, email or FB!
Nasal breathing as a defense against the COVID-19 virus
How to stop the Corona virus is currently being investigated. It is already clear that Covid 19 is spread in the same way as other flu-like diseases: with droplets of saliva or mucus in the air. The body has a natural filter for that: the nose.
Partially restoring scheduled patient admission from 5 May

Good news for our patients! From 20 April Ministry of Health has expanded the availability of planned health care services to include the dental sector.
Dental visits during COVID- 19 pandemic
Clinic's Chief Doctor Dr. Džesmonda Niķe are urging all patients to be very attentive during these days and look carefully after themselves and loved ones. “We really do want people to exercise good hygiene to protect everyone around us. Wash your hands regularly, cough into a tissue or your elbow, make sure you’re not touching your face. If you’re sick, stay home, take time from work and speak to a health care provider to ensure we can keep everyone healthy.”
Shadow day 2020 in Agenskalna Dental Clinic

This year Agenskalna Dental Clinic had two shadows. Luīze was shadowing our chief dentist Dr Džesmonda Nike and Katrīna our dental hygienist Monta Slaidiņa. We were really happy to meet such a determined and interested girls!
Thank you Luīze and Katrīna for the amazing day! We wish you all the strength to achieve the goals you have set!
Valentine's day promotion!
We invite students to shadow the specialists of Agenskalna Dental Clinic!
This year, just as every year, we will take part in Junior Achievement Latvia career education programme for students from 1st to 12th grade- SHADOW DAY! During this day students are welcomed to visit a workplace and observe the work of a representative of the profession of interest for 4-6 hours.
Hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of infectious disease.
Poor hand hygiene means that what happens at work doesn't always stay at work. This video is about more than just your health; it's about your family's health.